The foundation stone of Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce laid down in the year 1984. In the same year the SGGSCC library came into existence. The library was established with the mission and vision to fulfil the information needs of all its stakeholders by providing access to right information to the right users at the right time in different disciplines.
Library is centrally located and spread over three floors with ambience that is suitable for learning and research. For safety purpose a fire-fighting system has been installed on every floor of the library. The library provides facility with open access system and spacious reading room facility with sitting capacity for more than 150 users. Library also have sitting arrangements for group studies or group discussions. Library is well-stocked, well-equipped, and fully air-conditioned, serving as the primary knowledge center of the college. Library is equipped with sufficient number of sign boards and guides for the benefit of the users.
The library houses a magnificent collection of books, reference books, journals, magazines and newspapers on different disciplines in both print and digital form. Presently, library cater to the information need of the library users from various disciplines like Commerce, Economics, English, Punjabi, Hindi, Mathematics, Computer Science, Environment Studies, Political Science, General Studies and Sikhism. At present, the library has rich collection of more than 55734 books, 586 bound volumes (back volumes) of important journals and about 1055 CD's on various subjects. The library regularly subscribes to about 19 newspapers, 34 journals and magazines (Indian as well as foreign) on variety of subjects. The library has separate audio visual multimedia section. The library also has a reference section where it maintains a significant collection of reference materials, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, yearbooks, and CDs on various subjects for use within the library only.
A dedicated Sikh Centre for Inter-Faith Studies has been set up on the first floor, providing a spacious reading area where users can explore rare books on various religions.
For making the library inclusive and accessible for all, the library created a special corner for differently-abled users in the library where Visually Impaired library users can access Print Braille books and electronic resources using assistive technology. The library also provides wheelchair facility for differently-abled users.
The college started planning for the automation of the library in-house operations in the year 2001. Now our library is fully automated. The library is using NETTLIB software and shifting to KOHA software for all its in-house operations for providing seamless access of library services to its users. The entire library collection can also be searched through web OPAC. The link for the search is The user may access their library account and search the OPAC (online public access catalogue) from anywhere through cell phoneme, laptop, desktop etc. For saving the time of the users, library is fully integrated with RFID system for self-check in/check out of books by users. It also uses a digital footfall counter device installed near the property counter to track the user footfall in the library.
Library being an active member of N-LIST and DELNET, provides access to various electronic resources to its users including access to DULS e-resources. These e-resources are accessible locally within the campus as well as remotely from anywhere. Through DELNET, library offers Inter Library Loan (ILL) service to the users and supplements its stock by obtaining materials from other libraries on demand from the users.Recently, one touch Information Kiosk is installed in the library to provide access to E-newspapers to the users through DELNET. Library have provided excellent ICT infrastructure with Wi-Fi facilities to its users to access e-resources. Library also has facility of downloading and printing of library resources.
The library offers a wide range of computerized library services to its users to enhance their user experience.To boost the research among college faculties, library provide plagiarism check facility using Turnitin software.The library can be access through college website which provide information about the library resources, rules and regulations, facilities, services provided etc.
To save the time of the user, library trained staff provide reference service to all its users and assist them in locating the required library resources both physically and digitally, answer their enquiries about the library to fulfil their information need in minimum time.`Library welcomes and encourages every user to let us know how to improve the library services. Students can send us their Suggestions through Suggestion box places within and outside the library.